/// <summary>
/// this method has logic to send email
/// </summary>
/// <param name="_vendTable">
/// getting vendor table as parameter
/// </param>
/// <param name="_purchTable">
/// getting purchase order table as parameter
/// </param>
/// <param name="_emailAttachments">
/// getting whether the email checkbox is selected or not as parameter
/// </param>
// Begin
public static void sendEmailSysMailer(VendTable _vendTable, PurchTable _purchTable, NoYes _emailAttachments=NoYes::No)
InteropPermission permission = new InteropPermission(InteropKind::ComInterop);
SysMailer sysMailer;
str filePathName, reportFilePathName;
VendTable vendTable=_vendTable;
DocuRef docuRef;
EmailBase sender;
Notes body;
sender = SysUserInfo::find(curUserId()).Email;
sysMailer = new SysMailer();
//reportFilePathName = PurchParameters::find().AvaPurchOrderPath + '\\default.pdf';
reportFilePathName = PurchParameters::find().AvaPurchOrderPath + '\\' + _purchTable.PurchId +'.pdf';
// AVAEmailPOConfirmationWithAttachments - Hema - 28/Aug/2016 - Begin
//Requirement change
//Attach PO report as external attachment to the PO header and then send it to vendor's email
AvaSendingEmailPOConfirmation::attachPOReport(_purchTable, reportFilePathName);
// AVAEmailPOConfirmationWithAttachments - Hema - 28/Aug/2016 - End
if(_emailAttachments == NoYes::Yes)
//info('Sender email id: ' + sender);
while select docuRef
where docuRef.RefRecId == _purchTable.RecId
&& docuRef.Restriction == DocuRestriction::External
&& docuRef.RefTableId == tableNum(PurchTable)
filePathName = docuRef.completeFilename();
if( !((docuRef.docuType().TypeGroup == DocuTypeGroup::Note) || (docuRef.docuType().TypeGroup == DocuTypeGroup::URL)))
//info('Vendor primary email id: ' +vendTable.email());
body = 'Please see attached '+ _purchTable.PurchId +' from Golden Spread Electric Cooperative. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions and concerns.';
//sysMailer.quickSend("bijan.ghofranian@avanade.com",vendTable.email(),'PO Confirmed '+_purchTable.PurchId,'Your PO '+ _purchTable.PurchId + ' was Confirmed');
sysMailer.quickSend(sender,vendTable.email(),'PO Confirmed '+_purchTable.PurchId,body);
info(strFmt("@AVA39",vendTable.email())); //Email sent to %1